Create a focal point for your bed by using Naval on a geometric accent wall. Naval may be a dark paint color, but pair it with bright decor and accents to create a balancing contrast. Photo Courtesy of Featured Color: Mountain Air SW 6244 The Bold & Beautiful We’re highlighting three blue bedrooms from you that give us all the inspiration. Neutral and versatile, blue paint can act as a bold accent, or provide the perfect backdrop to give you a sleepy, sweet sanctuary. Moreover, one study found that the color red also increases brain activity-something you don’t want when you're trying to relax and fall asleep, says McKinnen.Our bedrooms should be a space for sanctuary. Red: Red is an invigorating color that stimulates alertness and increases heart rate.Like brown, this color typically evokes negative emotions, agrees Chiazzari. Dark Grey: Although dark grey is a good accent color, painting the walls this dark shade and adding grey bedding creates a somber atmosphere, says McKinnen.It increases subconscious feelings of sadness, causing restlessness instead of promoting sleep," says McKinnen. Brown: This is another color that doesn't exactly give a cozy vibe to the bedroom.However, "if you’re set on painting your bedroom purple, consider choosing a muted shade, like lavender, because of its cool undertones," suggests McKinnen. In addition, the color purple has been found "to stimulate the unconscious mind-thus promoting vivid dreams that some people may find disturbing," notes the color therapist. Purple: Avoid painting your bedroom purple as it boosts alertness, says Chiazzari.Steer clear of pink hues with bright red tones though as they could stimulate alertness- increasing your chances of restless sleep, he adds.Įditor The worst bedroom colors for sleep Pink: While it may not seem like a good color for the bedroom because of its red tones but soft, natural pink is a good option as it gives off a tranquil feeling, says McKinnen.Avoid bright orange colors because they are invigorating to the brain," McKinnen suggests. "Choose orange colors with brown undertones, like terracotta. Orange: Light orange colors, including tan and beige, have a warm tone reminiscent of a sandy beach-thus creating a welcoming space in your bedroom.Glossy paints, on the other hand, reflect any bright light-making it difficult to doze off, notes the sleep expert. However, make sure you choose a flat or matte silver paint as they are less invigorating and absorb light. "Unlike dark grey tones, silver induces calm," says McKinnen. Silver: Silver is a great choice if you prefer neutral colors.For best results, go with green colors that have blue tones as warm tones like yellow may cause you to feel energetic instead of helping you unwind, suggests the sleep coach. "Similar to a blue room, a green room helps you feel calm and peaceful because green is a non-stimulating color," says McKinnen.

Ganglion cells collect information from visual surroundings and turn this information into chemical signals to the hypothalamus-a part of the brain responsible for producing hormones, like melatonin and cortisol," explains McKinnen. "The brain is more perceptive to the color blue than any other color thanks to special receptors called ganglion cells, located in the retinas," says Geoff McKinnen, certified sleep coach at Amerisleep. Blue: One of the best bedroom colors is blue as it’s associated with calm and relaxation.